Sunday 7 July 2013

A Game of Blogs...

So, this is another blog... looking at games! Crowdfunded games! Indie games! AAA games! Parlor games!

Okay, not parlor games, but the other ones, definitely. I have to admit I've been pretty rubbish at keeping any of my blogs going so far, but I've had a lot going around my mind regarding gaming recently that I felt deserved its own dedicated space. And I'm nothing if not optimistic. Most of the time.

So here is the, potentially pretentiously titled, Metagame Missives. Hey, at least it beats my first batch of titles... Venting Steam, A Grief History of Games, Enthused Gamer and... CrowdFUNding. Yeah.

In the coming days I'll be posting up some opinion pieces on Kickstarter and crowdfunding, then taking a look at some upcoming crowdfunded and indie games. I'll also be posting articles discussing various aspects of games past and present, looking at art, design, world building and narrative. Basically anything that takes my interest that is even vaguely game related.

Anyway, feel free to leave comments and / or bookmark the blog. Thanks for reading. =)

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